Mobility Business Tour : back on the first edition !

17 July 2020 By

Tuesday July 7 was the Mobility Business Tour organized by NEOMA Mobility Accelerator and Transdev Rouen. The current health crisis has strongly impacted the mobility sector and in particular public transport. Today Transdev Rouen notes a drop in frequentation in public transport in the order of 30% to 40% depending on the network.

The objective of this meeting between Transdev Rouen and startups was to answer a specific problem: how to restore confidence and the desire of travelers to resume public transport? It was Guillaume Aribaud, Director General TCAR Transdev Rouen and Christophe Burgevin, Data Manager at Transdev Rouen who spoke first to set the stage for all the startups present.

This is how 10 startups from all over France were divided into three different workshops, co-facilitated by three professionals from Transdev Rouen, in order to work together on the challenges around this post-covid-19 mobility :

  • Workshop n ° 1: How to know the new expectations in terms of mobility?
  • Workshop n ° 2: How to make you want to use Public Transport?
  • Workshop n ° 3: What innovative services during the traveler experience: before, during, after … What is an innovative public transport?



The startups present were able to provide concrete solutions that are directly applicable to Transdev Rouen based on their own experience as a traveler, their expertise in the field of mobility and the offers offered by their respective startups. Here are some of these solutions:

  • Bring its expertise and offers to Transdev Rouen to help them better understand the behavior of travelers and help them optimize the journey of each person. For example, the Okeenea startup aims to “Make the city and its services accessible to people with disabilities, ie 20% of the French population! ” As for the startup NOMAd, it offers a tool which makes it possible to organize and optimize the transport activity for users of medical and medico-social establishments.
  • Offer advantages and rewards for the use of public transport in order to strengthen the eco-responsible approach and motivate travelers to resume public transport. Chympy suggests that when a user uses public transport, their eco-responsible approach is encouraged by the reimbursement of part of their ticket. As well as when it supports the local economy by consuming at its local merchants!
  • Propose innovative solutions in the traveler experience (interactive content, visual content). Tshoko supports professionals in the management of their musical atmosphere in their spaces, for example.


Come back to school for the next editions of our Mobility Business Tour with new partners to work with us!